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Unovan Airlines Flight 11 - the hour Unova changed forever

No.54818750 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Unovan Airlines Flight 11 was a domestic morning passenger flight from Nimbasa Lightning International Airport in Unova to Phenac City International Airport in Orre that was hijacked by five Team "neo" Plasma terrorists as part of the Unovan terror attacks (commonly known as the 5/9 attack) in [REDACTED]. The Voltos 191-606ER (a plane similar in size and concept as the Boeing 787 Dreamliner) was deliberately crashed into the Black Tower of the Global Trade Center complex in Castelia City (close to the Central Plaza), killing everyone aboard and ensuring the deaths of well over a thousand people and Pokemon in the top 16 stories of the skyscraper in addition to causing the demise of numerous others below the trapped floors, making it not only the deadliest of the five suicide attacks executed that morning in terms of both plane and ground fatalities, but also the single deadliest act of terrorism in history and the most lethal plane crash of all time.

Less than 20 minutes following its 8:32 departure, as it flew past the town of Anville and close to the tripoint of [REDACTED] and the unovan region, a team of hijackers led by 5/9 ringleader and trained pilot Kenith Carlito breached the cockpit with his own Weavile after murdering one passenger and injuring three members of the crew. The captain and the first officer were quickly overpowered by the Weavile and Carlito's Arcanine, allowing Carlito to take over the controls. The unresponsiveness of the pilots quickly made air traffic control workers suspect that the plane was in distress; it was realized that a hijacking was in progress when Carlito's false reassurances for the hostages were mistakenly transmitted to air traffic control. Two flight attendants were able to contact Unovan Airlines and passed along information relevant to the situation, in particular casualties suffered by the passengers and crew.