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No.55646821 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Terapagos' cry is actually Terastal's sound effect you have been hearing since the beginning of the game
>Tera Raids directly take after the Terastal phenomenon
>Area Zero theme also uses the Terastal sound effect leitmotif
>AI Professor's battle theme uses both the Tera Raid theme and the Area Zero theme, and leads to the Koraidon and Miraidon battle
>this Koraidon and Miraidon theme share leitmotif with South Province theme (where you first meet them) and the final cutscene of the base game
>Kitakami's Crystal Pond has basically a slow version of Area Zero's theme and connects to the siblings Carmine and Kieran
>Kieran's theme then connects to Terapagos', which is also based on Area Zero Underdepth's theme (another theme based on Area Zero's)
>then Terastal Terapagos and the Tera Raid theme combine into Stellar Terapagos
What are other samples of Pokémon using music theory for lore/storytelling? I kinda recall Ultra-Necrozma's theme having similarities with Solgaleo and Lunala's but nothing to the scale of Terapagos' music.