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No.55771042 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm 40 hours in the game and people who shit on it hadn't played it. I keep returning it everyday for a 30 minutes session or hourly session of wandering and fucking around. How to explain you the fun of this game without sounding bland... at first you have very limited resources to craft the pokeballs, so the first hours are about grinding the materials and catching pokemon over and over. Wild battles are super dynamic and exciting because your pokemon are weaker than wild pokemon, so it finally feels like the wild battles are worth it. I keep battling everything because it's addicting and you never know if you win due to different calculation mechanic. Hope it will return in ZA and will be even better.

Then you get ranges and unlock more areas until the post game. Then it's a breeze, you go to one area and then to another and you grind materials and gain more money from caught pokemon so you can have 500+ pokeballs per session. And the stronger you gets, the better the game gets as you can fight alphas, or trainers in the village battle facility.

I maxed out blissey using power up materials and it helps me grind exp for weaker mons in the team, it has 810 HP and it's hyper beam one shots everything at level 100