>>69441365Thanks for the advice man, but I still feel like a retard each time I remember why I stopped going to classes, the way I avoided the very friends that helped me all the way in college and even accepted my autism because I didn't have/done the same things as them, and how my family has been trusting me enough to not just wonder why I act so strange each time they mention college, it's like a time bomb for me, I just feel like I've already tried everything and nothing's working, I have ways to avoid a explosion of problems in my end but at the same time, I don't want to do it, I wanna keep on this lifestyle until I just decide to jump off a bridge or maybe I somehow win the lottery tickets (even when I barely ever buy those) so I have an excuse to avoid going to class, whatever is coming I feel like I have to make a choice as fast as possible, because the lies are running out