>>30050980The basics factors of a season that must be fulfilled for them to be successful: Starting line, rewards, different every time, not to long/breaks.
>Starting lineobvious, everyone has a fresh start and now has the motivation to compete with other players
>rewardsthis is very important, some people will be happy with just a seasonal leaderboard, but having actual rewards would drive many more to play. What I would personally suggest is top players receive items, with the top 3 players receiving a rare version of their chosen chuuba's hat, on top of this create a hat that everyone in the top 20 will receive as well, perhaps voted on ahead of the season. all of these would be limited with no rerelease, and tradeable on the AH in the core game, for players that REALLY want some monetary gain from seasons. There could of course be other rewards added, but for now I think this idea will suffice in the case of a first season.
>different every timeabsolutely crucial, if you just do the same exact thing every time, you will burn out and already know what to do at the start of every season. Here is where the fun part comes in, Make the system different every season. Make volatility fucking insane so everyone starts daytrading against each other, switch it up so only the views from the day of matter and previous days are ignored, hell make a season where you place ALL of the next days buys/sells and they all go through at 9:05am at once instead of trading normally through the day. You can actually do a lot of things, and it doesn't fuck with the core game so nobody can cry about it, they can just say the season isn't for them if they actually hate trading in it.
>not to long/breaksSeasons need to be fun and exciting, but to prevent player burnout, I think they should be 1 month long, and there should be an equally long break, maybe even a 2 month break. 3 months of competition for example is a bit excessive, and generally the winners would be determined long before then, having a break gives players a breath of fresh air, and not being pressured to ALWAYS play the game is a good thing.