>>26456112>MythbreakersMori always went in hard on Tiara interactions, and the two demonstrated a strong rapport in roleplay, to the point where one of the Takamori manga rrats from earlier this year is based around an extensive interaction they had in the most recent session which involved an impassioned dialogue between Tiara and her brother
>TTRPG turned Gartic PhoneWhen Mori starts getting frustrated because of her assets malfunctioning, Kiara is the first to cover for her and lead the group discussion in the meantime. She is particularly affectionate towards her when she becomes distraught and reassures her it's okay to switch over to Gartic
>Jump King open VCKiara appears twice in open VC, in October and in January, each lasting about an hour and both times Kiara had called in after JWU. They talk like old friends and share cute stories, including an amusing misunderstanding about Golden Girls, and Kiara squeeing over the thought of mini Mori doing ballet as a child
>Halloween VRchatThey start having sex when Kiara turns into the frog
>Party dress JackboxPlenty of banter between the two of them, most notably getting paired together twice to do the improv presentation game
>Christmas collabMori follows Kiara around at multiple points during this collab and gets her attention wtith song and lampshading how they always get put in the sexy outfits
>Mountain ShrineMori is the first caller and they talk for a good while about Japan, New Years plans and traditions, and other casual shit. Again, they talk like old friends
>Kiara Elden RingMori-sensei appears at an ungodly time of the night for her to cheer her on in chat for a good hour or so
tldr: Watch streams or suck my dick