I'm still horribly busy IRL and will remain so for a while, so catching up to the last 5 threads is nigh impossible. I know that some things happened and were said that I should respond to, and I will get to it when I can devote enough attention to comb through the threads.
>>31360828Either way, /nasfaqg/ votes:
1. A
2. C
The wishes of those thread reps are clear, and I believe both are decently reasonable. I am dissatisfied a bit with the carving of /bakatare/, there were better ways to go about it, but it is what it is now.
3 Y, but it should not be linked to any significant advancements in technology nor be used to justify it. It's a purely narrative change so stories could reasonably go forward. The reasoning behind it is that several nations are already on the border of the industrial revolution, a tech range that should not be crossed due to how transformative it'd be to nations around the globe. Due to the same reasoning, I would be extremely careful with moving the date up again, because those things snowball quickly."
4. N, specifically requesting map or global climate changes (tectonics, currents etc.) should be reserved for crises where no other option results in a satisfactory outcome. For example, /wah/ and /mans/. If new islands are added in the new map rendition, so be it, but despite wanting to have /nasfaqg/ islands elsewhere, I cannot in good conscience support adding islands on request.
5. N, leave the area empty.
6. Y, it's outdated.
7. a) Y, it'll remove the issue that forced our hand for 1.) and 2.).
b) Y, to streamline the process.
c) N. Adopting tripcodes makes the "rep" and "non-rep" distinction even bigger. The concept of a "rep" emerged solely from the idea that a thread should have just one vote rather than each anon voting individually. I would be fine with the Rentry verification method described before, especially if there are doubts to the vote itself.
8. Y, option b. By "participation" I would assume writing lore for their nation and responding to the thread, at least occasionally. Please note that a rep might be designated earlier than that, it's just a matter of vote validity.
9. Y
10. Y
11. Y
12. N, I love Max Headroom but come on.
13. Y