>>13268862I kinda doubt it. That's pretty generic advice given the situation (in Council's case). At this point, I'm pretty sure it was Gura. Ina isn't really known for reaching out to people, and while it hadn't really sunk in for many people yet, Gura was reaching her own turning point into what we now know as "Season 2 Gura" at the time (which is why many people didn't suspect it was her and opted to assume it was Kiara or Ame instead), which would have made her more confident in reaching out. Also it just makes sense for the person who was actually there to witness the screw-up to be the one who helped her out of it. And,
https://streamable.com/yt9qg2But ultimately, who cares? We'll never know, and going too far into this line of argumentation tends to invite tribalism and friendship numberfagging, which is about as anti-unity you can get, so I'm not interested.