>>42475455Kill homobeggars. Behead homobeggars. Roundhouse kick a homobeggar into the concrete. Slam dunk a homobeggar baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy homobeggars. Break a homobeggars dick in half. Launch homobeggars into the sun. Stir fry homobeggars in a wok. Toss homobeggars into active volcanoes. Urinate into a homobeggars gas tank. Judo throw homobeggars into a wood chipper. Twist homobeggars heads off. Report homobeggars to INTERPOL. Karate chop homobeggars in half. Curb stomp pregnant homobeggars. Trap homobeggars in quicksand. Crush homobeggars in the trash compactor. Liquefy homobeggars in a vat of acid. Eat homobeggars. Dissect homobeggars. Exterminate homobeggars in the gas chamber. Stomp homobeggar skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate homobeggars in the oven. Lobotomize homobeggars. Mandatory abortions for homobeggars. Grind homobeggar fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown homobeggars in fried chicken grease. Vaporize homobeggars with a ray gun. Kick old homobeggars down the stairs. Feed homobeggars to aligators. Slice homobeggars with a katana.
>kill homobeggars. destroy homobeggars. ruin homobeggars. torture homobeggars. cut off homobeggars ballsacks. mince homobeggars. crucify homobeggars. gouge homobeggars eyes. absolutely fucking obliterate homobeggars. call homobeggars mean things on the internet. drop homobeggars from helicopters. waterboard homobeggars. kneecap homobeggars. stab homobeggars. stab homobeggars with a rusty knife. shoot homobeggars. murder homobeggars. chop up homobeggars bodies and mail them to pon meido in hotpockets. chink water torture homobeggars. force homobeggars to watch streams. rape homobeggars. starve homobeggars. deport homobeggars to lithuania. eviscerate homobeggars. hang homobeggars. decapitate homobeggars. carpet bomb homobeggars. impale homobeggars. rip off homobeggars limbs.Need I say more? Bout to take a hit off this pennington. Cheers my friends.