Inclining Covers list. Previous one here :
If a song gets more NEW viewers this week than the last one, it's considered to be inclining.
New songs on their first week, as well as songs with view variance of under 5000 are ignored.
Here's the list for this week -
> Envy Baby - Polka (+5,067)> Sparkle - Mio (+6,820)> Flos - Okayu (+5,911)> Saga Jihen - Suiseix3rdGen (+11,380)> Roki - Mori (+7,837)All the streaks from the past two weeks have ended and new contenders have joined the fray.
The list... it's frankly a mishmash of all different types of holos, can anyone make sense of this? Is there a pattern, or is it just each song having their own circumstance for the incline? Speculations welcome.
Honourable mentions -
> Alien Alien - Sora (4,463)