>>21419127>>21401246For those who don't understand/want IRL examples:
>Dwa/Dwbpretty rare on earth, but is found most prominently in Manchuria, Korea and North China. A major city with this climate would be Beijing.
>Dfbfairly common IRL, can be found in most of East and Central Europe, Especially Poland and the Baltics, as well as in the American Midwest. A major city with this climate would be Prague.
>Dfcanother pretty common one. Finland, Siberia, Alaska, they all have it. its basically the "fucking cold" climate. There aren't really any "major" cities for obvious reasons, but for an example Yellow Knife is in this climate zone.
>ETFreezing glacial tundra. Great for skiing, not so good for actually living. There are no cities with this climate type.
>CwbWarm, dry, highlands, incredibly common, found basically anywhere warm and mountainous, from India to Mexico to Ethiopia. Mexico City and Addis Ababa are both cities with this climate.
>CwcVery rare, it only really exists in very high altitude areas near Cwb climates, as basically a colder, drier, varient of it. El Alto is a city with this climate.
>Cwaanother very common one! a lot of south Southern China and the Northern Indian subcontinent has this climate. Major cities in this zone include Hong Kong and Islamabad
Finally here's an explanation of how the Köppen classification actually works:
>First letter defines what type of climate it isA = Tropical (very hot all year around)
B = Dry (very dry all year around)
C = Temperate (no months below -3 degrees celsius)
D = Continental
E = Polar (very cold all year around)
>Second letter designates how much rain it receives and at what time of year.f = no dry season: wet/humid all year around
w = wet summer, dry winter.
s = wet winter, dry summer
m = monsoon
W = desert: virtually no rain all year around
F = Steppe: dry, but not dry enough to be a desert
>Third letter describes how hot is ita = hot
b = temperate
c = cold
h = hot (used exclusively for deserts and stepped)
k = cold (used exclusively for deserts and stepped)
E type kind of ignore these rules and runs on its own system, with T being Tundra and F being ice caps.
hmu you if you need anymore climates explained. I could also potentially do the climate for your country if you like but I'm a little out of practice. the other climate and the other anons probably have better tools than what I'm using (ms paint)
>>21474770same lol