Quoted By:
"It has come to our attention that there is a group organizing attacks against our community, using Ms Riifu's image as their banner.
We have discussed things internally and several rules have been decided to be put in place on our community guidelines.
First, any member in our official discord that is discovered to be part or affiliated to the site 4chan will be purged from the aforementioned server.
Secondly, any member of our moderation team that has been established to be connected or even aware of the situation inside the organized group within 4chan will also be removed in an attempt to minimize the presence of that group within our community.
Third and lastly, our talents will be prohibited to make any mention related to 4chan or their members; we will constantly monitor what our talents post and say through their official accounts and will impose severe punishments for the breaking of this rule, with the possibility of escalating the punishment to graduating the talent if they incite a greater involvement from people of that site.
We apologize for exposing member of our community unrelated to that site to such a serious situation and will do our best to prevent any such future events."