Prompt recap! Last thread had a lot of new prompts. Here they are in case you missed them:
Lui sending suggestive selfies to her nephew(You):
>>52537066Correcting Laplus for leaking Botan's outfit.:
>>52562841Koyori doing things to her fellow holos for science:
>>52578218Fubuki doing things to her cherished sukonbu for sexual gratification:
>>52578263Ayame loves your dick very much and her favourite pastime is playing with it:
>>52583487I know chuubas actually being virtual hasn't really been a thing since Kizuna Ai but I want to see a fic playing around with the idea of them being virtual entities that exist on the internet.:
>>52587868Short fic of a chuuba being subjected to an excessively touchy-feely pat-down:
>>52589165 Extensive foreplay in bed with Aki Rosenthal's plump haffu elf ass, kneading, squishing, licking, and hotdogging it: