>>31242282i didn't know anything about them before, but i looked them up and they look pretty cute. i'm sure she would look great in them.
>>31246876do they have any esoteric or magical trading goods? we share a bit of the lovecraftian theming with them due to comma, so we probably have a lot of common interest there. as for the deal with /inf/ on raiding holosea, it was /morig/ that wanted it to be all of holosea. we just need to avoid publicly attacking a few cities to prevent any harm done to /inf/ directly. they said privateers could help get around even that. it was basically a deal that /morig/ would use /inf/ as a hostage without needing to do anything in return, so we were able to get /inf/ to agree to enforce things in a way that benefited us more. might have been reduced to pure roleplaying and memes, though, so idk. still tired. sorry.