>>40406642Threadly reminder that during her Papers Please playthrough with Mori, Kiara made a comment about an immigrant trying to cross the border that they might 'blow themselves up'
Threadly reminder that when talking about watching The Handmaid's Tale Kiara said it was sad because 'there are places actually like that in real life today'
Threadly reminder that Kiara has on stream more than once talked about Austria in a way suggesting she is disappointed with them for being weak and 'neutral' suggesting they should be more fortified
Threadly reminder that Kiara has shown disdain for the Church and having to pay taxes to them
Threadly reminder that Kiara is openly proud of her culture and heritage
If you are muslim or any kind of theocratic authoritarian, Kiara fucking hates you and she would be considered a racist western imperialist/supremacist by Twitter/the modern left if they knew her actual opinions