>>6943575I've been watching too much Hololive. I've had 2 dreams in the past week that involved EN members. The first dream was Ina and I with some random people at my house. We were eating lunch together or something, and then it transitioned to in my bathroom. Ina offered to give me a bath, but the weird thing was that she did in front of my broken shower and actual bathtub on the bare tile floor. Also, she was wearing her artist outfit and had her tentacles out. Using both her arms and tentacles she washed me on the floor, but most importantly she was teasing my cock with her tentacles, saying I had tiny cock. That was very hot I'm not gonna lie.
The Second dream was Ame and I at McDonalds eating lunch, and then going off in her car to investigate a missing child.
I'm a Chumbud I don't understand why I had these dreams.