Quoted By:
>Release HoloEN
>Become *the* hottest thing of the entire 2020 internet
>Consistently pull highest CCVs out of all online streamers across your whole branch
>Set up to print money, easy 1M+ revenue per member per year
Fast forward two years
>Every single talent is disinterested or burnt out
>Half the branch regularly dodging work for no reason
>CCV for Myth has dropped by almost 90%
>Branch viewership nearly comparable to IDs and Nijis (and closing the gap)
>Almost zero new content for an entire year
>Stopped debuting gens long ago
>Public earnings down 50% YoY
It's not as if Cover's managers are completely clueless and don't see the branch reclining. Content creation is a numbers business, and everyone working on HoloEN, talents, managers, and executives alike, MUST realize that:
>Their numbers are down
>Their income is down
>The trend is accelerating
So what the FUCK are they doing, and why is everyone involved with this branch seemingly totally apathetic?