>>33987253>What does it even mean to be "talented at streaming"?Streaming is it's own medium.
Comedy comes with prewritten bits. With streaming you have to stay versatile. You're always in reaction mode, so it can't be easily compared to other mediums. Improv would be the closest, though it obviously differs
To be good at streaming means keeping engagement levels high. This involves a couple things.
>varietyDoing a diversity of things to draw in more crowds who prefer different things
>innovation Like all artists, innovating will generate renown.
Stuff like designing a VRworld full of inside jokes for your fans, or swapping avatars with a coworker to deliberately embarrass each other is inherently intriguing, and people will check it out.
>charismaSpeaking clearly, cultivating a moe persona, providing off-the-cuff remarks and jokes even when there's nothing going on helps develop a character that people can trust and relate to
>no yabsNothing that would draw your audience away from you, or filter new members too heavily
>regularityDon't stream too long, and people will forget about you. Keep an inconsistent schedule, and people won't be able to plan their days to catch your streams.