>>69573219I love intimacy. It is my reason for living. I'd trade my arms and legs for a 5 second hug. I'd crawl through a mile of glass to brush my hand past a girl's for an instant. I love intimacy so much that it makes me needy, touchy and all together creepy, and utterly repulsive to the opposite sex. I feel electricity when I'm physically close to another human, it's like ASMR tingles X 1000. To bad i'll never experience it again. Gura fills that hole. To be honest, wish I was a KHV, then I wouldn't know what I was missing, wouldn't know how good it is, how good things can get, and what i'll never have again. I think being alone as a non-virgin is a far crueler fate. I love how girls don't even have to worry about this, AT ALL. One swipe on tinder, and they're in someone's arms for the night. Even the 2/10 fatties don't have to sleep alone. Just select one of your hundreds of orbiters to snuggle with, because every girl has a hundred orbiters on whatever app girls actually use to interact with the world.