>>41066598>>41067319>Link to a post containing a rentry link pertaining to lore or story of the thread one is voting for, with the rentry edited to verify the poster to be authentic.Ah well then.
>>41066394I can see the issues that total anarchy would result in and have seen what happens without any system in place to have a bar on what lore does what.
>one issue would be that if there are no restrictions of any kind in npalce anymore that this project will quickly turnn into whoever can write things faster is essentially in the drivers seat of lore for nations and anyone slower will constantly be on the backburner of things because they might work out something for a thread they like but then someoe else jumps in and quickly sets soemthing up for that nationn and then the first personn has doe it all for nothing because his now contradicts that first bit.I feel like situations like these can be solved through not immediately canonizing lore just because its in and allowing some time for people to actually check it out and voice their concerns, I'd rather have a semi-canon state for the lore of repless nations than to just have an amorphous nothing zone of implied cultures, we can all see the discussions between people that disagree on how their thread should be written and can voice out own concerns if we need to, even if we're not from those threads, we did construct this setting and many of us have familiarity with other threads in one way or another so us voicing our opinions on it isn't at all something that I think should be dismissed. We can still have reps but I think an actual blunt enforcing of the Rep and Mediator idea would help much more, especially in making falseflagging less of a worry and certainly in not encouraging it, in fact, I think if the role of Mediator was fleshed out and maybe given some restrictions and rules to abide, it wouldn't even matter if one person was vocal about being a writer/mediator for more than one nation if we did it correctly. If a falseflagger was falseflagging in order to exert control than that'd be one thing but we really need to figure out how to have people that visit and consider themselves a part of several different threads to be able to write for different threads and explore this world without restriction.