Considering i'm anitcom
considering my workplace has been considering selling 2/3rds of their work to them
considering their vendors never fucking meet the deadlines
considering Hollywood
considering their friendliness with the Extreme Left
considering their behaviors just because Coco indirectly called Taiwan a country...
....i'd say low.
they still have Kung-Fu flicks, they still have the Three Kingdoms setting, and i admire their stand back in 1900.
so, 3/10.
i love the fuck out of Taiwan. they are utter bro's, and will never falter. They have Ang Lee, Cthonic, and ThunderBolt Fantasy. They kick ass in every Airsoft game i have sided with them. If their island falls i will welcome all of them here, give them guns, and we can go hunt americoms together over drinks and new memories to come.