>>66440094The tallies will start to incorporate a game of Risk into them
Each official girl (and guy, i guess) on the tally will be given a plot of starting land, until the board is filled, preferably prioritizing contiguous land borders when possible.
Talents will attempt to expand their positions through Tally points and Golds. If two Girls share a land border or connection via sea paths, the next time both of them are on the tally, the one with the stronger number succeeds. If you have a stream that day, but fail to make the tally, you will automatically lose your roll. If you do not have a stream that day, you will have protection from losing land. A week of no streams in a row will deactivate your protection, and make your land tiles vulnerable to being overtaken by those who border you. A maximum limit of one space taken per day will be in effect, prioritizing the closest victory: if a talent who gets gold shares a border with the Silver and the Bronze winner, they will only move into the Silver talent's space, not the Bronze's.
Anyone who is taken off of the board via a loss will be placed on a separate board, where they wait for an opportunity to retake land. If a talent who was taken off the board gets on the Tally, they get to take a piece of border land from the highest ranking person they beat in terms of CCV that day, even if there were others who share a border that beat them.