>>3054021I recommend you read up on their Wars of Independence, and especially read up on the Mexican Revolution of 1910.
The Latins can't even be bothered to take their fucking wars seriously, to the point of literally driving the one guy who tried to be serious about Latin America was driven into an early grave; I doubt they could manage the effort to get upset over chuubas.
Seriously, that last part is true, The Liberator of South America died with these as his final words:
>As you know, I have led for twenty years and have obtained only a few certain results:
>America is ungovernable by us.
>He who serves a revolution plows the sea.
>The only thing one can do in America is emigrate.
>This country [Colombia] will fall unfailingly into the hands of the unbridled crowd and then pass almost imperceptibly to tyrants of all colors and races.
>Devoured by all crimes and extinguished by ferocity, the Europeans will not deign to conquer us.
>If it were possible for one part of the world to return to primitive chaos, this would be the last period of America