Hello hooties, tourists, schizos and assorted
fellow deviants. I come bearing updates.
I have created a boss fight that marks the end of the first section of the game, which is unpolished but live, and you can try your luck at reaching the end of the game such as it is. I am likely not going to make more than another, hopefully better section, as time is running out and at some point I will have to rebuild the levels with the new tilesets from the poor soul I've dragged into my madness.
I'm afraid this will end up being an even shorter game than I first thought, and thus I've went the route of "replayability". Read, you will probably die a lot. This was also done because as it is, the game is very lenient towards "berry farming", which is fine as you will still need to pay attention and play well in order to not die. I may consider making an idle animation at some point, but it's down in the bottom of the to-do list.
I've added a staple of games of this genre, a randomly generated hints box in the game over screen. Some advice is useful, some advice is interesting, some advice I just put there to rattle your collective chain and give you a little motivating spite.
For the next days, I think I will bite the bullet and assume this is as good as it gets insofar as assets go, and use things that won't stick out like a sore thumb. Screwing around with assets is probably the thing I like doing the least, and it's been a leading burnout factor on top of my bad sleeping habits and my immense love for the way I procure sustenance. Competing with dog packs for trash can turf is a bitch, lemme tell you.
Just kidding, they're actually gay werewolvesJokes (?) aside. The game will turn to focus on QoL, prettifying and curating/waiting for commissioned assets, and it will probably not be much longer than what it is right now. I could lie and say that this is because I totally expect Mumei to spend a little bit of time playing it on the 4th, but I doubt it would be approved by management by then, considering it is still quite unfinished and there's probably plans for that day which have been traced months in advance. Instead I hope this becomes a decent little time waster for people who like Hololive and platformers in general, and Nanashi Mumei in particular.
I'll still do my level best to make it the best it can become. I am totally not reminding myself.
Game's here:
https://vanillapuddingproductions.itch.io/mumeis-birthday-adventure-alpha-editionDon't press the quit buttons, I forgot this is a web version and they just erm.. crash the game.