>>2427638>inb4 copypasta>inb4 spacingIf you want my honest thought with no bullshit?
I don't hate Kiara, in fact I couldnt bring myself to say I dislike her entirely, but there is just too many cons to her personality that make me scratch my head how she even got this far to begin with.
>She is rude>She is loud>Seemingly needs to make it about herself no matter the situation>She doesnt want to or just cant read a room ever>She seemingly cares for no one else but her numbers>She comes off at times like she thinks shes better than this>She is the type of girl who would say "oh your dad died? I know how that feels my dog had a bad stomach ache last week, it sucked."And I'm sorry in terms of talent she is so average she wouldnt look out of place next to a loaf of bread at Wal Mart. I know someone will go out there and say "hur but the girls say none of this is true and that she is amazing and loving and beautiful" as if that holds any water when they say it on stream where they need to be professional especially since the company wants the gens to have some sort of bond forced or not. And all you need to do to find proof of these things are most of her collabs with pretty much anyone especially the EN girls.
She is the generic new york theater student skank, which is ironic her being a foreigner, but she has all marks of being one. Shes the kind of girl who would be on a Downy commercial and think shes now an A lister, she could have a song with 10k views and suddenly shes Billie Ellish, or simply put she comes off as someone who had ONE break ONE time, and she now thinks everyone is beneath them.
And, I get that maybe she is putting on a character, a persona, for the camera, but if thats the case then the only logic behind being this bitchy and shit of a person is to make us HATE her, which I doubt given her past is what she wants.
In the shortest way possible to put it, she is an average talent with a superstar ego and its become utterly grating on anyone who isnt a complete sociopath or in complete denial.