>>5764013>Depends on you level of understandingPOLMAO guide to start learning JaPOLnese
EOP chama:
If you have time take a Japolnes course at your local community college. Just ask to sit in and listen, your not doing it for a grade. The goal is to learn the basics like alphabet and sentence structure.
But I'm a hiki tha't cant go to class:
Get the Genki I-III Japolnese books and study them. They are similar enough to class room text books. Use youtube videos as audio source material to learn how to sound the alphabet and simple words.
I know the basics:
Get a learn to speak Japolnese audio course. preferably Pimsuler. It was used by US diplomats to get a crash course in other languages. The goal here is to follow the tapes and mimic the phrases spoken so you can associate meaning to the sounds. This is the same way babies learn to speak. This will help with your listening skills because textbooks and classrooms don't prep you for how people actually talk. Otherwise you still won't be able to pick apart a spoken sentence when you listen to it.
I am now semi fluent in Japolnese:
Great! Now is the time to build your vocab. Use things like Dual Lingo or Rosetta Stone. Just keep practicing every day to build that vocab.
I now have a good grasp of the vocab:
Re-watch VOD's to pick up on slang and other colloquial phrases that are not thought by language courses. You will be amazed at what you will pick up after a 2nd watching. If you come up against words or phrases that don't appear in a online dictionary like Nihongodic, Romanjidesu, or Wordhippo, then it's probably slang.
Once you have done this you should be able to watch and understand streams well enough. How well will depend on how well practiced you are at speaking Japanese and how big your vocab is. Keep in mind this is not geared towards learning kanji and being able to read high school level Japanese or pass a written test. We have Deep L for that to save time. This is the quickest way to learn spoken Japanese without having a native speaker to practice with.
Any additional advice from others are welcomed. What other methods worked for fluent polkas>?