>>70507200If you're the anon stating that Doki threatened to release the document at 12:05, I think you have your timestamp wrong or that you misheard or misunderstood what she said. Selen DID say she was going to release A document with her lawyer in case something like that would happen very soon, and not long after her Neopets stream she put out her final statement on the matter where she said she would NOT release any documents containing personal information or post any receipts.
>https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1757763627413631383Considering that Selen is Asian and probably immigrated to North America later on, it is likely that she fumbled her words on that part and meant to say "statement", she wouldn't be the only ESL member of NijiEN, and lord knows NijiEN has plenty of other ESLs as fans.
Even then, it doesn't make NijiEN nor Elira look any better. The fact that they were in contact with Selen's lawyer and thought
>Oh fuck, they know Elira/Millie/Enna's legal information, and they're threatening to go public with the document! FUCK IT, TERMINATE HER NOW, GET READY TO SLANDER HER SO SHE'LL NEVER BE SUCCESSFUL EVER AGAINmakes them look like a bunch of drooling retards, because then they would have an actual case if their ex-talent was somehow encouraged by her actual lawyer to doxx her former coworkers.