Even if cyberpunk manages to run, I still see it as a huge disappointment.
On the surface level, there are ridiculously lazy things that break the immersion of the world entirely.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF-HeAeEynY is a set of examples. This is stuff that other open world games have been getting right since 2006.
But also I am fundamentally disappointed with the direction they went in. The advertising for the game made it seem like it would be an open world that would be atmospheric and fun to explore. I was excited in that regard because I don't think there are any games that really nail exploration in a dense urban environment. Even better was the fact that this was a cyberpunk themed city. What we got instead was a dime a dozen first person shooter with a generic action story (with awful characters and embarrassingly bad dialogue) The "open world" only serves as a hallway to connect the linear story sequences.
Maybe someday I will get an open world city kino...