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Repost my own post because it took some time to write and im going to bed now.
So far the EN Arc has been a fantastic wild ride and our 5 protagonists have evolved.
A lonely singer who hung out with fake friends in a foreign country in hope to reach her dreams. She joined hololive at the behest of a friend, despite thinking that idols were even more fake than some of the friends she made so far. It might have been another stepping stone to disregard once it gave her everything it could... Yet she realized the true power of Idols and though she left her old life somewhat behind some time ago, there is one last demon she must face.
A wide-eyed naive girl from europe travelled to japan to become a star in the sky of happiness and entertainment, or so she thought. It turned out to be a crash landing. Performing in empty venues and doing less than proper deals weighed heavy on her shoulders but this resilient girl rose time and time again from every failure. Every scar that she got on her journey plain to see. Never giving up, her warrior spirit lead her to a stage where she was finally recognized and cheered on by countless people.
An artist, seemingly content with drawing in her dark and moody chamber yet her eyes ever so often glanced to a second screen where she watched random girls talking, playing video games, singing and dancing. A spark was lit inside her once she saw these girls on a stage. Yet she was not fully convinced she would have what it takes. Now she finds herself on the other side of that screen, as one of the girls that once revealed to her that she could be more than she was once so seemingly content with. How many hearts has she inspired so far?
A girl that seemed to have, what many crave for nowadays. Already over 1 Million fans and counting, deals for Songs and viral fame beyond what any entertainer starting out could dream of. A life that was built over years of work and yet she found it lacking. Unhappy she turned away from this person she had become, trying to become someone else. But in the process she figured that trying to be someone else will only end up the same way. So instead she tried to be herself and earned what she had before threefold over, showered with true love.
I can't do Amelia's story justice. She is the true protagonist of EN. From 0 to 100. She is the glue that keeps myth together, personally and technically. She is the engine that makes the others drive for a higher purpose and quality. Always humble, always loving. Numbers dont matter. Without Amelia there would be no more myth.
t. dead beat