Quoted By:
You can’t seem to think straight.
You pull the car to the side of the road, trying to mull things over. How long have you been working here? What is it that you even do? Discomfort rolls over you. Looking around, all you can see is open plains outside of your car as the sun heads over the horizon, lighting the sky on fire as a final farewell. Weren’t you just on the freeway? Where did everything go? You lived in the city… right? So why were you in the middle of nowhere?
You step out into the dusk. This isn’t your car. You leave it behind, heading across the open field to a small house in the distance, silhouetted by the setting sun. You knew this is where you had to go, the only option available in a sea of nothing. In the burning embers of dusk you felt something overwhelming, suffocating, coming over the horizon from behind you. Something unspeakable, something worth fearing.
You march steadfast towards the house, it’s rundown state becoming more apparent, but the solidity of the structure provided your mind with something to cling to, lest you allow it to wander and peer over your shoulder at what was behind you.
You step onto the front porch as the light of the world is finally snuffed out, leaving only the darkness of a moonless sky, the distant stars weeping for those left under such a relentless night, knowing the sun would not rise again. There would be no salvation for this world. You grip the doorknob and nearly tear the door from its hinges, not anticipating how freely it would open. But of course it would welcome you in, as you peer into the nothingness. An even darker void awaited you.
A thought seeped into the back of your mind. Perhaps what was inside wasn’t what you sought. It was safer to stay here. Go back to your car and you could drive to safety, right?
You stepped into the darkness, and carefully closed the door behind you. The smell of dust and old wood filled your lungs. All thought ceased as you stood in the void. You took a step forward.
And fell.
You bolted awake. Looking around your room in a panic, you try to figure out what’s wrong. Something was there. Your eyes dart around. No, it’s just you, alone in your shithole 1 room apartment. Your computer monitor flickers with light. Youtube kept auto-playing videos while you slept. You jump up to pause the video, some Minecraft stream. You close the browser entirely and take stock of things.
Old food containers and soft drink bottles litter the floor. The clock radio sitting on your floor next to your mattress says 11:59pm. You only slept about 4 hours. You had just finished some ramen and you laid on your bed, staring at the ceiling while listening to songs on youtube and you must have passed out. You don’t remember your dream, but it had you on edge. You take a risk and peek out the window, at the world outside. Midnight in New York. The lights flashed, the cars trawled on, the people were still out even at this time of night.
You couldn’t remember what was wrong. There was no reason to be as tense as you were. You grab your coat and keys. You check that your pocket knife is on you, never can be too safe in the city, then step outside your door. A flash of movement catches your eye to the left. A door shuts closed as someone goes in for the night. Nothing but an empty hallway to your right. You lock your door and head down the stairs.
3 flights down and nothing suspicious. The scum in your building have better sleeping habits than you do. You step into the night. Winter would be here soon enough, the cool breeze promised that. You shiver at the thought of it. You head to the corner store, keeping your distance from the strangers on the sidewalk. No matter what time it was you just couldn’t escape from assholes in your field of view. It’d be better if they all just died.
You enter the corner store, squinting against the bare fluorescents.