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I don't know what to do anymore, if it is true that rushia faked bullying and spreaded all the info about hololive then i just can't trust anyone no more, I'm going insane at this point. What is a lie and what's the truth? So many threads defending her and so many accusing her, i just can't decide in wich side I'm in. I know I'm a retard with no self opinion but i simply can't handle all the lies anymore, i can't get attached to anyone, not even my oshi cause maybe she's also lying about everything. I don't care if she's being fucked by 4 men, i enjoy watching her but i don't want her to go.
I felt bad watching Ai's last stream even though i don't really like her and i feel bad about the rushia thing even though i don't even watch her and now I can't even decide what to believe. I'm going fucking insane and I have no meds.
I wish I could just go back to 2013 and play bo2 with my friends but now it's too late, everything is over and the corruption of this board has driven me crazy.
Bros, I need help and this board is my only friend.