>>85952037it's because deep down they know that anti-ing someone as clearly nice and selfless and meek as Ame is obviously really evil so they have to try to shield themselves from the guilt of it through denial and elaborate ways in which they are so justified that it outweighs doing the equivalent of kicking a puppy somehow
with other holos who have rougher personalities like Mori, Kronii or Kiara (or clearly confident aloof people like Fauna) they can easily brush off feeling bad about being an anti because it's more 'fair game' and less clear that their target is truly good whereas attacking an obvious angel like Ame is so clearly monstrous that it makes them insecure about it
I know this for a fact because I have schizo-d out myself and antiposted holos before and didn't feel much about it but the fact I antiposted Ame before genuinely make me feel bad; the difference is I'm honest and know I'm a bad person and will readily admit whereas most won't