This is your reminder that Europoors are lying sacks of shit.
>>10552662>at least like 65% speak English>>10579688>muh requirement in every EU country>>10580221>muh minimum 6 years of English>>10583832>every euro has english as second language>>10579904>muh detractors clearly know nothing relevant about europe is a survey by "Eurobarometer", the European institution that conducts EU-wide surveys of public opinion. Already, you can conclude that Europeans fail at processing journalistic metaphors and therefore think that the English word "barometer" has something to do with public opinion rather than air pressure, but let's take a deep dive into the results anyway!
Let's start on page 12. Oh look, it says that only 38% of Euro ESLs say they can speak English well enough to have a conversation! Oh nyooooooo!
>but but but our English skills are inclining!Again, look at page 12. This survey was taken in 2012; back in 2005, the percentage of Euro ESLs who said they could speak English well enough to have a conversation was...also 38%. See also Page 23, where you may note that only 21% of EuroESLs rated their English proficiency as "very good", down from 22% in 2005. Your union's collective ESL development has flatlined, Euro-chama.
> but but but we Europrouds can into the news in English, as well as newspapers, and magazines!Only 25% of you can. See pages 31 and 33, and take your meds.
>but but but print and broadcast media are dead! it's all about cyberspace now, and we can into the internet more than 25%!You're right! a whole 26% of you can internet in English. Page 37.
>but but but we can at least watch clips that are subbed in our mother tongues! Hah hah Europeans are subtitle master race for sure *sweats profusely*52% of you disagree or strongly disagree that subs are superior, according to the summary, page 9. The data is on page 119. Filthy European dubwatchers.
And why do these Eurofags bother learning another language? Well, according to a whopping 61% of all European survey respondents, the most popular reason to learn another language is to work in another country (page 65)!
So, in conclusion, not only do Europoors have dogshit English skills, but most of them know that their country is a shithole and want out.
Not that they'll ever admit to it, because, after their English speakers successfully migrate to the United States, they won't shut up about how much they hate the country, the people, and the culture here. Until you call them out, in which case they will pick one of these three great Euro-copes, as the situation demands: "We Europeans love the American people but hate the American state." "We Europeans are grateful for the American state keeping Europe free but we hate American culture." "We Europeans love American culture but hate Americans."
Stay mad, lying Euro-liars who lie.