WAHtching Ina pigging out on stream because she had a rumbly tumbly, as she's still being the most comfy priestess in all the lands, humming along to her BGM while getting in those colors and lines for her D4DJ fanart.
While Kiara, Omega Weeb and Giga Dork, is still being the sweetest and most adorable tenchou just having loads of fun bantering back and forth with her fans and reading through supachats. Also potential Big Red Heart during karaoke soon! Tabun.
While in less than 45 minutes, Fauna, fresh from her member's stream which many saplings seem to have greatly enjoyed, will be catching up on all those supachats she's had piling up. We'll be getting comfy mother nature kalimba and kisses soon!
Pekora went ahead and uploaded a cover today. Shee sang that super catchy and popular song called Cinderella! Pekora's singing is one of a kind and really fun to listen to. She gave a really unique spin to Cinderella and you should give it a stream or two if you havne't yet. You'll enjoy it!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aozNBX2dF6cSo friends, where we at?
Also dying at 1480 posts? Isn't that sad? Your posting stamina is that pathetic? Old age really taking its toll on you I see.