Watching Fauna who's heart was about to explode due to the fact that she gave her senpai Polka a tour of the EN server. During this, Polka already slept with her and Fauna has drowned the fennec in kisses. Polka's been actually dying from the cuteness that radiates from Fauna and this is honestly just a taste of what the future looks like. There will be so many more JP/EN/ID interactions in the near future, can your feeble body handle that /hlgg/?
While Lamy is begging for forgiveness because she has to fight in places she hates while hordes of enemies descend upon her. She's got a whole belt of potions but she's chewing through them like Cream Soda due to the fact that she's a Barbarian and Barbarians just take those hits.
While Sana's now in the Cyber Space of Deltarune, fighting back all the Werewires and Tasque that descend upon her. The enemies here are incredibly adorable and the whole area looks super neat. Sana's having a good time too.
While Chumbuds are busy chumming all over the goddamn place because Gura's treating them to another one of her amazing Membership karaokes. Based on the posts of them crying their eyes out, she seems to be taking them on quite a wild ride.
Speaking of good time, go on over and stream this cover of Vidro Moyou from Yanagi Nagi that AZKi and Tamaki decided to sing together. They did a superb job and sound super cute together and everyone's gotta listen to this song at least once, it's too good to skip over. friends, where we at?