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Anti-idolfags are adorable

No.13002131 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been hearing from you faggots since days of yore in /vyt/, when you were posting shit saying "don't treat vtubers as something they're not" despite knowing full well the cause behind Ai's collapse and the cause of the rise of .LIVE, and then in /hlg/ where you nijiniggers posted years old maskettaman videos out of context, and proof of washed up relationships with washed up dancers(out of a job because his fucking dream got outsourced to fucking pajeets kek), all your PekoJun posting shamelessly ripped from 5ch alongside all those other interactions she had on NND that literally just proved how fucking autistic she was, and all the other shit that you tried desperately to cuckpost with.
But what happened? Hololive grew. Hololive exploded. Those vtubers clips gained traction but with Gamers and Sankisei leading the fucking charge in solidifying those Matsuri/FBK lipfags into actual viewers, the idolfags got to redefine the company and pander to the same fucking shit you were so scared of the entire time, and it worked with flying fucking colors.
They pandered hard, their roommates getting literal millions of overseas views, their lifestyles beginning to literally revolve around their streaming career and Cover followed suit with a full on brand correction to the point where now at least half the roster are often genuinely as busy as actual idols, but with that parasocial GFE you hate so much ramped up to 11.
And it fucking works too. It works so well that over time more and more of them keep falling to it. It works so well that by the time the EN Vtuber scene solidified, damn near EVERYBODY had an opinion on whether a vtuber had a boyfriend, and everybody knew that to knowingly have one was a debuff. You had to watch the entire landscape deform to exactly what you railed against it becoming before your fucking eyes. I was there telling you to fuck off back and the entire time afterwards. I was the one cheering on the idolfaggotry. I was the anti to the ones with boyfriends. I was the gachikoi telling Pekora and Marine not to collab with men in chat. I was the one harassing Holostars at first. I am a single guy but I laid my bricks building this wonderful you hate so much.

And now it's on /vt/, where a bunch of mutts cuckpost except this time they're mentally deranged incels about it. But they've been cuckposting for a year, and what's happened? Has the leaderboard changed?
No. Let's look at what happened. Idolfag and EOP darling Korone now does hard GFE ASMR. Rushia has fully evolved into the exemplar of long-standing success outside of trendhoppers. Pekora has only become more parasocial and dedicated to the idol route. Mrs. "first stream is with a dude" Shuba now openly panders to gachikoi and has done ASMR.
Meanwhile, the little side branches of Hololive that have failed to keep up with the pro-parasocial trend of Hololive proper? Floundering into obscurity as punishment.

You fought so, so hard against a meaningful future. You fought so, so hard against a better world, where idolfaggotry and purityfaggotry wouldn't succeed in vtubing.
And yet it's that same idolfaggotry which has clamped down on every conceivable metric of success with an iron grip, and for all intents and purposes has defined the rest of the medium for the foreseeable future, to the point where women interested in even simply attempting to succeed in this hobby have to be aware of the expectations placed upon them, and the consequences written on the wall should they fail to meet them; just look at the irrefutable decline of female nijisanji streamers .

I made this thread because maybe, just maybe, one of you is here. It doesn't matter if you're not, I made this post too long for the zoomer brained newfags on here to ever read. It's the ultimate defense
This is for you, the relatively even-toned 5ch-tier schizo anti who nonetheless still had the attention span for matome blogposts.
I just want to know. How does it feel? How does it feel to have love win right before your eyes? How does it feel to watch for almost 3 years now as idolfags invade and convert this hobby until the basic assumptions about it place it at a hairs breadth away from being actual idols?
How doss it feel that parasocial relationships are starting left and right, that women have their careers literally crippled for merely talking to men let alone dating one? How does it feel with more and more vtubers openly admitting that they're effec5ively dating their chat?

Does it hurt? Because I hope it does