So I'm the Day Care Man. I own the day care on Route 117 in the Hoenn region. We get all sorts here, from aspiring young Trainers hoping to sharpen their Pokemon's skills to families going on vacation who need someone to watch their little pets. The money's not bad, and I'm living happily with my wife.
One day, though, that quaint little happiness was utterly destroyed. A 10 year old trainer came through town and dropped off a Skitty and a Wailord with this stupid shit-eating grin on his face. That seemed a bit weird but it wasn't too far from the usual to warrant me denying him service. From now on, I'll tell you, fucking Wailords are getting banned from our Day Care. They take up ridiculous amounts of space to begin with, but that was nothing compared to what that damnable creature did to the poor Skitty.
We'll sometimes have two Pokemon mate when they're in my Day Care. Normally, that's pretty natural, but today it would fucking terrify me. I put the Skitty and Wailord in the backyard to graze and socialize with the other Pokemon. This is also perfectly routine, nothing out of the ordinary. My mistake was going into town to buy some potions just in case we ran out at the Day Care. I was only gone maybe 10 minutes, but when I came back, I saw something that will haunt me forever.
The poor little Skitty was being horribly violated by that massive whale. It was crying out for help, but there was nothing I could do. The goddamn Wailord was having its way with the little creature, hurting it badly. I'll spare you the more horrific details, but suffice it to say it's a miracle that little Skitty survived.
I watched in horror for a good 10 minutes, waiting for my chance to dash out and save the Skitty. Finally, the Wailord finished and I sprinted as fast as my old legs could carry me to scoop up the Skitty and bring her back inside. It looked at me with these hurt little eyes, silently thanking me for getting it out of there at last.
A few days went by, still with no sign of the kid. This is where the story gets truly nasty. Somehow, the Wailord had impregnated the little Skitty, and she laid an egg on the fourth day after the incident. By Arceus, I had never felt so bad for any Pokemon. Not only had this tiny little creature been horribly violated, she would have to raise the monster's baby.
When the young trainer came back, I gave him back the Skitty reluctantly and the Wailord even more so. I had to spare this kid from what had happened, though that grin kind of disturbed me now. Could he have known? I hope not. Either way, I acted all surprised that the egg had gotten there (as if the Day Care Couple didn't know how sex worked) and sent him on his way.
I'm never raising a Wailord again.