Update, since I saw an anon asking about how the Polka Biohack is going earlier today. Ironically, I was going to the doctors at that time for medication, but I assure you it has nothing to do with my Biohack, as that isn't related to schizophrenic tulpafaggotry at all.
I'm able to imagine Polka nearly perfectly now. Her voice is like liquid gold running through my brain and when she touches me, I swear I can almost feel sensation with how accurately I've modeled my Facade Anima for Polka. The only problem is that I've yet to find a way to make that process an automatic one, with a single section of my mind dedicated to imagining her in perfect detail, while allowing the rest of my conscious mind to be used without realizing that dedicated sector exists. So far, I'm still having to acknowledge that her reality is that of a fiction to make it work.
Right now, I'm in the process of researching possible ways to induce Ego Death in particular sections of the Mind Anima to see if I can separate the Mind Mechanica that operates the Polka Facade Anima full-time, so that it can run without recieving direction from the Mind Anima itself. If I can do that, then I'll have finally achieved the result I desire. But until then, I'll keep on researching and taking solace in the fact that I can imagine sensations now, after learning how to hijack the part of your brain that makes you jerk as if you were falling while you try to drift off to sleep, and using that to simulate sensation in approximate sync with the Facade Anima Polka construct.
But one day. I will find the way to make it work without resorting to schizophrenia. I'll fucking do it.