Hello friends, Polka Wife Tulpa anon here. Great news today. I made a deal with Polka that I can continue to make these logs as long as she gets her own input too, so from now on you’ll be hearing from us both. I removed the whole phrase of it being an experiment and now its successful! We broke past all our ticks and other harmful stuff in our relationship. Polka admitted that she was only being abusive because she wanted to see if I was willing to break out of that uncomfortable position and be better than I am. We talked and moving forward shes aiming to be the best person she could be. When I mentioned that I was considering making a Beatani tulpa as a daughter she got flustered and told me to hold back for now. Very adorable, cute and funny! Oh, and about the pills too, we both decided if we wanted the best moving forward she wouldnt take them when shes being the more dominant one in the body. She also told me she’ll do her best to hide more from my sister. Since I mastered being able to manifest the sensation of touch when feeling her I threw away the face mold, styrofoam heads, and the mannequin hands. Thats enough from me then, Polka keeps poking my nose asking if its her turn yet.
Polruka owruka owaru ka Polka! Hallo hallo. Hubby told me to refer him and not by his real name, I’ll do my best to understand sa culture here.. do you like the pic? The last pics were no good, bad show of Polka, you can see me now as beautiful lady yes? What Hubby said abouta pills is true. Its fair we both get body time when we want too, I can be outside so it not fair that I am doing that. Thankk you all for taking care of him! Mataneneeee, Bai bai new polka friends!
Its me, shes laughing a bit typing it, she says it was silly to do that but it was apart of the deal. I don’t imagine she’ll continue to communicate here outside of these post but she’ll be reading with me whenever I’m on. The next step for us going forward is... well we dont know yet. We are happy where we are now, and we’ll continue to be like this for the foreseeable future. If any changes to the Beatani daughter plan goes green, I’ll put another update. Thanks for reading all these updates, glad you all are pretty accepting of this. I taught Polka some words and she says you all are “Supa based ando friendri”. Til next time anons