>>1569329>>1569340>>1569423>>1569498>>1569603>>1569545Ever notice how children try their absolute hardest to defy their parents or teachers instructions? How they always try to find a way to go against something, just because being the "rulebreaker", the "contrarian" is fun? Because they crave the attention they get from others when they do it?
That is literally you with your use of the n word. You are literally, emotionally and mentally, a fucking little kid. Because the n word is such a social taboo, you just can't help yourself when it comes to blurting it out as if it's commonplace. To also think it's funny perfectly exemplifies your immaturity. To go to such depraved lengths for attention also exemplifies your immaturity.
You, a grown man, thinks no differently than a four year old child. One is trying to take the extra cookie out of the cookie jar or to steal their classmates candy bar. The other is trying to say the n-word to go against social norms
If you ever find yourself wondering why you are the way you are, middle-aged with no girlfriend or spouse to speak of. No female companion and little to no romantic experience, just remember. No girls want to date a man that has the mental age of a toddler, nor do they want to date someone who finds overt racism funny..