ARCHIVE GET Celebratory Post Recount!
Since nyafuu is at our side now, recounting all posts (even the deleted ones) in the non-pruned/mainline threads.
Results up to OP
>>163055: /hlgg/ has had 54 threads, 11 deaths, 78432 posts, and /vt/ post ratio of 48.1%.
Interestingly, I noticed that nyafuu is completely missing about 400 posts in thread
>>149370. Native archive says it reached post limit with 1501, but nyafuu only reports 1077 posts.
Nyafuu is missing posts from
>>151437 to
>>152137, so if there is something you don't want to loose, back it up!
Since my previous posts are slightly invalid, and I don't want to spit 54 rows of numbers here, here is a pastebin. you can't tell, I am extremely elated that we got a proper archive!