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/vsj+/ - VShojo+ General

No.18331291 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Two Weeks Ago Edition

Welcome to VShojo+! A thread to discuss VShojo, and any vtubers frequently associated with them.

If you'd like to know what's been happening in Mouse's subathon then check the pastebin for an ongoing breakdown.

Sundays are when VOD recommendations get dropped. Only they weren't done last week because it was surprisingly busy. But now that subathon fatigue is beginning to set in it's time for some recommendations from 2 weeks back! If you missed out on anything cool then here's your chance to know what was going on then and what you might have missed out on!

Silver - Feb 4th she had a collab in Monster Hunter! It was with JoCat of "A Crap Guide" fame, and another vtuber, Poiya! Both great partners but Poiya especially deserves recognition. Being a much-smaller streamer she was an unknown to most everyone but played off of Silver wonderfully and earned herself a lot of new fans that day! She also has the same modeler as Silver!
Froot - Two great streams worth checking out from this time and they both featured NijiEN! For as fun as her 1 on 1 collab with Reimu on Feb 4th was even if it was in >Apex, the more interesting collab to check out is her Pummel Party stream with 5 Niji's, AmaLee, and Vienna on Feb 3rd. Greatly underrated too, because it had the unfortunate timing of going live the exact same time as...
Mouse - Poor Froot. Had a great collab but it was going up against Mouse's Speak of the Devil with Kson on Feb 3rd. There were many interesting points of discussion, including many new factoids for casual viewers. The origins of Kson as a name is the most surprising shit. There was also an awful lot of talk about boobs. Great time and very much worth watching if you missed it.
Zen - A planned horror VR collab with Layna and Froot on Jan 30th fell through, reducing it to just Zen and Haruka. Luckily the two of them show off how great their friendship is, as well as how poorly-made a lot of horror VR maps are. They even visit a few non-horror maps like the NijiEN train and are very fun together.
Nyan - Where to begin. Feb 1st she played trough several small horror games in one sitting and many were full of great moments. On Feb 3rd she had a stream where she viewed shrines, as well as shared in cringey stories from her and chat's youth. But the cream of the crop is easily her debut on Jan 31st. The new model looks great, and the chuuni as fuck lore video is fantastic. Easily one of the best vtuber debuts ever, and doubly impressive that it was all done live.

There you have it. The missing week of VOD reco's. Check them out if Mouse's subathon isn't doing it for you. Or don't. Your time is your own, but if you're spending it here then keep things comfy and civil by ignoring bait, and being excellent to each other.

VShojo is:
Froot -
Hime -
Mouse -
Nyan -
Mel -
Silver -
Vei -
Zen -

Previous thread: >>18320704