>>1919364They didn't talk much but Moona is authentically like that with everyone so it's no surprise really as she is truly one of the most absolute autistic Holos.
Nevertheless from what she did do, they clearly improved their relations even if in subtle ways. Moona:
>went to get Kiara a bunch of eggs because haachama's farm is far away and she has no elytra>suggested Kiara redo the KFP sign with concrete, Kiara paused for a while and seemed about to do the usual "nooo I do what I want" shit, but accepted the idea and redid it>went and gave Kiara a bunch of concrete without being asked>asked Kiara to come make a KFP branch for the HoloID mall project>they took pictures together even though it was hardly a collab so much as two people in the same areaAs far as Moona interactions go that is ultra-ultra-friendly. Literally the only conflict was Peko's mischief in the beginning, and even there Peko herself punched Moona into the trap to try to get them both stuck, she just got lucky and ran out in time.
>Peko gave Kiara her actual, personal pickaxeThat might have been a mistake because UsaKen people are usually given a set of diamond stuff named for it, but if she's allowed to keep it Kiara has acquired one of the most fucking legendary items in Hololive.