Fauna's going to goddamn break your Among Us Kneecaps if you keep being a sussy little piece of shit while she's trying to maintain her sanity surviving Jump King. We've learned all kinds of stories from Fauna like the fact that she was a scared little baby when trying to learn how to ride which she only did so as an adult instead of falling off and scraping her knee learning to do it as a child. The conversation she makes is her trying to not remind herself that she's fallen down 15 goddamn screens because she can't stop making jumping mistakes, lord help Mother Nature.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heCzt7vCc04Bubb4bot's blasting some sweet music right now while Ame's got her art program on and her editing/drawing skills on full blast today. Between making some absolutely cursed drawings and jamming out to music, she's reading through and thanking all of the supachats she's gotten this past week, cause today is Mcthankies Tuesdays! Seriously though, you've gotta come check out the stuff Ame's making, they're going to be used as reaction images for ages to come, goddamnit Ame.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2FvverNLJwSomeone please help Astel and Izuru, Astel alone has played 11.5 hours of Straight Apex Ranked and dropped from Diamond III to Diamond IV and the only reason he's been able to last this long without dropkicking one of his plushies is because Izuru's with him and he's having a great time bantering and laughing with his fellow Holostar and good friend. Still doesn't take away from the fact that he's been ranking for 11.5 hours jesus CHRIST.