>>2032189It's not that different from MMO games imo. Ina gets a bunch of random quests, spends minutes looking for what she needs, completes the quest and repeat. All boss fights so far haven't been exciting at all, which I find weird since everybody praises Monster Hunter for its amazing battles and all I've seen was Ina hitting a monster (when she's not missing it half the time) a few times until it goes to another area and that cycle continues until the boss is dead. You may argue the fights get better later on in the game, but she's played 6 hours of the game already and nothing exciting has happened so far. How many more hours should I wait until I see why people enjoy this franchise so much? The story hasn't caught my attention either, so there isn't really anything left for me to look forward in the game. Also, Ina was so immersed in the game, that most of what she said during the stream was related to the franchise, which ended up being gibberish to someone who has never played the games. This is one of the few times I'm going to leave her stream entirely as background noise. I'm still going to watch it either way because I love Ina and I want to watch her, but man this game is just boring to watch, I have the feeling it'll be the same if she decides to play FFXIV for example. I assume Monster Hunter is one of those games/franchise you have more fun playing it yourself than watching someone do it. At least MH isn't as bad as the rice loli game so it could be worse. I simply can't understand the appeal of Monster Hunter. Sorry for the wall of text.