>>20268152Taking your joke seriously for a moment, I feel like going on a tangent.
Brazil may be a shitshow, but if it wasn't for the bad politicians in power, this place would be the closest thing to paradise on Earth. Think about it, no natural disasters, the largest amount of coast land amongst any countries, hugely diversified weathers where you will be experiencing 45°C on a daily basis on the North, yet be seeing snow every day on the furthest South; not to mention the geography itself. Take Rio de Janeiro which you gringos love to talk about for example (no, most Brazilians have never been there) you can go from mountain tops to the beach in 5 minutes of walking. We've got it all when it comes to biomes. And everywhere is so pretty.
Then there's the food. I went to Europe and I can't say I was impressed. Small portions, not very well condimented, weird choices. What Brazil did was take most of the world's culinary and push it to its limits. We know how to cook everything the world does, but better. Seriously. Look up some Brazilian recipes for some of the foods you people have and you'll see the difference.
The people are incredibly friendly like you wouldn't believe. If you sit down at a bus sometimes someone will strike a conversation to you out of nowhere. People are polite and don't mind you asking them stuff; there's people making lunch to give to the homeless here, making gift baskets to the trash men; in short, people are good natured, but there's a lot of poor people, so there's a higher chance of someone from the population turning to crime. Which is what gives Brazil a bad look. despite how many poor people there are, they still see life on the bright side. Your average poor person here is happier than your average Finlandian.
All in all, this is exactly why I wanted to write about Marine coming to Brazil (and then getting raped), because the country itself has a pretty bad cred out there, and it's interesting to see people going through the motions of finding out just how cool Brazil is. That being said, I still want out of this hellhole, cause again, politicians.
Come to Brazil. Pic related.
>>20268199I don't know if we have names for them, personally I just call them Dançarinas which is just dancers. I don't like the Carnival but that's another plus for you if you're into that kind of shit. Go up to any stranger on the street and kiss them, 5 minutes later you'll be fucking them raw and then leaving them covered in cum to go join back in the dance. It's pretty good for scoring women, but also pretty good for STDs
>>20268308Ladyboys here are actually really good at passing so Brazilians don't notice their presence, but there's definitely a decent amount of them. Most prostitutes out on the streets will come with an extra package.