Ahem. RADAAAAAAAAHN FESTIVAAAAAL! Woo. IRyS' Elden Ring stream where she is trying to gat gid at this game is starting off incredibly strong with IRyS doing her best to defeat the Gravity Magic learning, horse loving, Giant Greatsword Dual Wielding beast of the legend Radahn all on her very own. Obviously she's going to get slapped around a bit in these first few tries because she's been away from the game for a small bit, but there's no doubt that she'll destroy this big man with little effort because IRyS is that goddamn powerful.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbtq9ogg20ALui even has Discord in her chat cheering her on her first Jump King excursion as she's still learning how to get out of tutorial green hill zone of the game. With everyone cheering her on, there's no way she's going to be stuck around this place for long. Go Lui Go!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuxJifRTeicNew YABE, same old cute Reine. She's got the double turkeys on the table right in front of her as she talks about all the stuff that's been on her mind as well as her Milo trauma she endured as a little peafowl.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXyJz1hBN00Subaru was late to her Clannad stream and now she's late to her Crisis Core stream. By the laws of /hlgg/ this means that she's in need of correction, do not show bias /hlgg/, you always talk about correcting things with your horrifying libido. Well you wouldn't correct Subaru anyway because as soon as you jump into her stream and see how excited she is to play Crisis Core some more, you'll instantly forgive her and get totally wrapped up into listening to her gush about how cool Zack is.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHYewDnrBJcPeople die when they're shot in Yakuza. Sometimes. It depends on who shot them. And it has to be in a cutscene. That's what Koyori's learning at least. Many punks and bastards have fell to Koyori's KOYO Punch and she's not going to stop destroying them either.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKUAAzxIfDgAki's underwater base at 900m is seriously some beautiful goddamn stuff. She built it along a very pretty rocks and plants that give her plain white base some lovely color. It's aesthetic. And then of course you've got Aki's pleasant and cute voice happily planting and harvesting the fruit she's spent time cultivating and growing so that she has an endless supply of food and water. A fantastically chill Subnautica stream.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMSHB_56ctoHoomans are relaxing out with their owl oshi Princess Meimei in her member's stream as she's still finding comfort in talking to them and opening up about worries. Probably also joking around too in perfect Meimei fashion. It must be a real treat being inside there...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3NAuElpGbQ>Songs releasedThree years of OkaKoro have passed by us all /hlgg/. This power couple even released a brand new cover to commemorate this huge milestone, singing the song U&I to really get our yuri hearts racing with excitement. This song is really, really cute and the perfect song to showcase just how damn amazing these two are when they're together singing a song. If you haven't streamed it yet, then you're missing out on some good stuff and you're probably a dirty stinking old bastard of a human being if you continue to skip over it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr44J7r125Y<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="28" src="
https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/ba70c4d9_REEEEE.png"><span class="xae" data-xae="anger">💢</span>