I just earned fuck you money from the recent crypto-boom and GME options, and this is what I'm planning to do with it.
First, I'm going to scout out all of the Japanese femboy voice actresses that I possibly can on Twitter, 2ch, and Instagram. (hell, I'll throw in a couple of girls too). I'll pay them all 100 grand to spend a week watching Okayu's streams and learning her speech patterns and demeanor. Then, I'm going to fly them all out to a yacht I'll have rented off the coast of Japan. I'll provide ungodly amounts of heroin, cocaine and LSD. I'll rig the HVAC system on the yacht to spew copious amounts of experimental aphrodisiacs, hormones, and THC-laced vapor all around the ship. When they arrive, I will direct Hollywood's best makeup artists and seamstresses to dress them all up as Okayu. They will match her exactly; they will walk, talk, and look like Okayu.
I will then activate the (((air conditioning))) and proceed to spend the next two weeks in a mindblowing, drug-addled megaorgy with all of my trained Okayu traps on the MoguYacht. We will suck, fuck, and cum in each other mindlessly in a cacophony of Okayu laughs, murmurs, and moans. The ship's floors will be absolutely coated with the semen of Okayu's perfect doppelgangers. There will be casualties, of course, but it's nothing that money can't take care of. I will make Epstein's island will look like a bastion of purity compared to my Disneyland of degeneracy.
At the end of those two weeks (or whenever we run out of drugs), the ship's computer will unlock an armory located at the boat's base, only known to me. Filled with immense fulfillment and post-rampage rage and lunacy, I will commit mass nekomata genocide and shoot up the entire ship. The ship will be equipped with several 360 degree cameras to capture the entirety of this from all vantage points. I'm going to edit together a supercut of the entire experience and upload it as a torrent through Starlink (thanks Elon!), which I will then akasupa 9 times to Okayu herself before committing shotgun suicide.
You may call me a schizo and tell me to take my meds, but this is my dream and now there's nothing stopping me from achieving it. None of you would have the balls to see this through or do anything remotely like this if you made it *this* rich. Fuck you all and see you all in a month on LiveLeak, faggots.