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I was wrong about Ouro Kronii

No.24559031 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I should not have been blinded by prejudice. In my ignorance, I thought Kronii was going to be a boring big milkies goth gf pandering streamer with an audience of ironic weebs and fashion-seeking normalfags. Instead, she is genuinely non-meme autistic.
>dislikes streaming Minecraft publicly because it's her comfort game and she wants nothing intruding on it
>is uncomfortable with being sexualized, conceals her breasts
>plays Sonic Adventure 2 in soothing repetitive ways to train her Chao, begins to scream when the game doesn't work
>plays primarily debuff indie puzzle/adventure games she already knows so she isn't too taken aback by novel stimuli and can manage her reactions
>talks in halting, stilted phrases, resorts to memes because she's struggling to be more articulate, has a delayed and awkward emotional response to everything
>when she isn't tongue-tied, she's outrageously fixated on the game to the point of exclusion, at which point even her speech becomes effortless
>the most awkward conversationalist in EN, basically "Y-You too" the vtuber
The only people who can bear to watch Kronii are those who truly love her stuttering autistic ass for who she is. She's like a nuclear weapon sent to destroy the dreams of normalfags and numberniggers. One of the greatest VTubers whose realness will not be appreciated in her time.