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No.25582883 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
During 2021
>clearly loves streaming and interacting with rosebuds
>guerillas even though she barely had time for herself
>plays games people actually give a fuck about
>creative streams are amazing, stuff like RNL needs polishing but given time it could be amazing
>want to support her because of how much she wants to finally quit her job to go full time
>known for her weird phrases like freaking it, was a trendsetter among NijiEN
>known for being hardworking, creative, her seagull laugh, and for getting cocky in games only to be brought down a peg immediately aferwards

March 2022, goes full time
>collab spam
>has had months to connect with the girls and become friends, but no, to shy. you're a male? oh, then i'll be in your collab no questions asked!
>dwindling SC earnings
>alienates a lot of her old fanbase as her drive to create content is replaced with her drive to have friends (MALE friends, specifically)
>essentially cancel a cooking stream for a fucking Vwhorejo collab
>lies to her chat to go to a male's stream
>less and worse creative content
>your remaining fanbase is so mindbroken or so new they're reduced to nothing more than a bunch of yesmen
>no more seagull laugh, she now has a "cutesy" laugh and just shouts Twitch speak
>is now known for collabs with 10 people where she either barely says anything or is mostly uncomfortable